Wellcome in my Journey...

ecause of we are in HIS Hands and HIS Perfect Love...

my life journey

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A God We Can Trust

From Psalm 37:1-9

(1) FRET NOT yourself because of evildoers, neither be envious against those who work unrighteousness (that which is not upright or in right standing with God).
(2) For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
(3) Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed.
(4) Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.
(5) Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.
(6) And He will make your uprightness and right standing with God go forth as the light, and your justice and right as [the shining sun of] the noonday.
(7) Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass.
(8) Cease from anger and forsake wrath; fret not yourself--it tends only to evildoing.
(9) For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait and hope and look for the Lord [in the end] shall inherit the earth.

Throughout Scripture, we are admonished to trust in The Lord. When times are good, this doesn't seem like a difficult task. However, when trials arise, it is much more difficult to rely fully upon Him.

Yet it is awalys important for us to place our trust in the living God, especially when everything around us seems to be falling apart. That may well have been the situation that inspired the writing of Psalm 37.

Notice that in today's passage, the psalmist mentions several times that we should do fret. Distress over a situation is the opposite of trust, and fretting has ill effects. For one thing, it can take a toll on physical and emotional wellbeing. Another problem is that feeding worry can lead to evildoing: by attempting to manage the situation quickly in our human way, we may miss God's best solution.

A third consequence is that others may not enjoy our company, so we could lose or effective witness for the kingdom.

What, then, is the antidote for worry and stress during a difficult time?
Absolute trust in Christ. Psalm 55:22 says "Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken" This means we are to lay all our budens at His feet, believing that He is good, loving, and in control.

"When trials arise, do you run toward the Lord? Or do you try to handle things yourself? He who created you can handle and difficulty and pain, even when it seems overwhelming. What He desire in your surrander and trust. It is n His arms that you will find rest your soul."

Thanks to "In Touch Ministry"
for March 17, 2011

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